Blog Content Report

Report created on February 8th, 2020

Order Information

This is the information we received from you. The rest of this report is based on these inputs.

Pro 2 Article - 1000 words
Current Blog URL

Content Strategy

By publishing high-quality content on a consistent basis, your target customer will see you as an authority. This is true inbound marketing: High-quality content created to educate, inform, and draw in your prospects.

1Topic Ideation & Validation
Complete (2 of 2)

First, we research and validate topics in your niche that your prospects are eager to consume. By doing this first, we make sure that each piece is going to be a hit!

2Content Creation
Complete (2 of 2)

After you have approved your topics, our expert team of copy writers goes to work crafting your high-quality content.

Each article:

  • is optimized to rank well in search engines
  • is formatted for the web and easy readability
  • includes internal links to improve your site's SEO
  • includes a call to action to spur readers into action
3Content Delivery
Complete (2 of 2)

Your content is available in HTML format below for you to publish on your website.

Blog Articles Created

Below are the highly relevant, researched, professionally written articles we have created for you to publish on your blog. We'll provide both the article content and the HTML for you to add to your website.

Total Completed Articles
Completed as of February 8th, 2020
2 of 2
Article 1
The Importance of SEO in Your Business

If you want to take your company to the next level in marketing, take a look at why is seo important to excel your business.

search Target Keywords: why is seo important
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The Importance of SEO in Your Business

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If you want to take your company to the next level in marketing, take a look at why is seo important to excel your business.
Targeted Keywords
why is seo important
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Believe it or not, studies have shown that almost 50% of small businesses in the U.S. still don't have websites set up.

Running a small business without a website in 2020 seems like one of the worst ideas in the world. But for one reason or another, there are some businesses out there trying to do it.

If you want to make your small business as successful as it can be, you should have a website for it. You should also take search engine optimization, or SEO, seriously.

Why is SEO important? Let's take a closer look at what exactly SEO is and then break down its importance to give you a better understanding of why you need to use it to your advantage.

First, What Is SEO?

Before we attempt to answer the question, "Why is SEO important?", you need to have a good grasp of what SEO is. It's a foreign concept to many small business owners, especially those who do the bare minimum when it comes to their websites.

SEO is, as we mentioned a moment ago, short for search engine optimization. It's a process that involves increasing your small business website's visibility on search engines.

In a perfect world, you want your business to appear on the first page of search engine results pages, also known as SERPs, when people search for businesses like yours on Google and other search engines. But that's not going to be possible if you don't make SEO one of your company's top priorities.

Search engines like Google are always scanning all of the websites that are out there and bumping the ones that offer the most value to people to the top. Your goal should be to improve SEO so that your website stands out from the websites of your competitors.

Why Is SEO Important?

Now that you know what SEO is, we can talk more about the importance of search engine optimization. But we should let you know right from the start that there isn't a simple answer to the question, "Why is SEO important?"

The truth is that SEO is important to your small business for many reasons. You can transform the future of your company in lots of different ways by pushing SEO to the top of your to-do list.

First and foremost, SEO will help you drive more organic traffic to your website when you work to improve it. That is, by far, the biggest benefit of improving SEO.

But prioritizing SEO will do more than just bring swarms of people to your website over time. It's also important because it will:

  • Create trust between you and your customers
  • Build up brand awareness for your business
  • Provide people with a better overall experience when they visit your website
  • Help you hit your targeted audience in your preferred location
  • Leave a more lasting impression on those who show an interest in your business

Additionally, one of the most underrated benefits of SEO is that it costs a whole lot less than most other marketing efforts. You won't have to shell out the kind of money you would pay for traditional advertising for SEO, and you'll often get a much better return on your investment.

Is SEO Useful for All Businesses?

There are some small business owners that are under the impression that SEO isn't something that would be right for a company in their industry. But this couldn't be further from the truth!

In reality, every small business in every industry can take advantage of the benefits of SEO. It doesn't matter if you run a plumbing company, a restaurant, an amusement park, a pest control service, or a school. SEO is going to help you get your business name in front of more people when you put more of an emphasis on it.

How Can You Improve SEO?

At this point, you shouldn't be asking the question, "Why is SEO important?", anymore. It should be clear to you why SEO is so essential to small businesses.

But you might be wondering, "How can I improve SEO?" It's a very common question since many small business owners aren't sure where to start.

You can improve SEO in a variety of different ways when you commit yourself to doing it. Here are some of the ways that you can improve SEO within just a few months:

  • Start creating high-quality content for your website
  • Find the right keywords to add to your content to drive organic traffic to your website
  • Figure out ways to get backlinks for your content posted on other websites
  • Post links to your content on your company's social media pages

You can also improve SEO in a big way by optimizing your website so that it's compatible with mobile devices. More than 50% of people access the internet exclusively on their smartphones these days. If your website won't load on mobile devices, it could be detrimental to your site's traffic.

Whatever you do, don't pass up on the chance to improve SEO at every turn. By staying up on the latest SEO practices, you can ensure that your small business is able to create and maintain a strong presence online.

Don't Underestimate the Importance of Search Engine Optimization

The question that small business owners ask these days shouldn't be, "Why is SEO important?" It should be, "How soon can I start improving SEO now that I know how important it is?"

Yet, studies have shown that only about 36% of small businesses have an SEO strategy in place. The other 64% are making a big mistake by not taking SEO seriously enough.

Don't make this mistake with your business. Make a stronger push to improve SEO so that you can push more people to visit your website and see a huge spike in traffic.

If you need help taking advantage of the importance of search engine optimization, we can help you do it. You can order content from us and stock your website with SEO-friendly copy so that search engines start suggesting your site to more potential customers.

Reach out to us today to discover more about how we can help to improve SEO for your small business.

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Article 2
What You Need to Know Before You Start Freelance Writing as a Career

Freelance writing comes with many benefits and many challenges. Before you quit your 9-5, think of what you need to do before you start freelance writing.

search Target Keywords: start freelance writing
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What You Need to Know Before You Start Freelance Writing as a Career

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Freelance writing comes with many benefits and many challenges. Before you quit your 9-5, think of what you need to do before you start freelance writing.
Targeted Keywords
start freelance writing
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Are you getting tired of waking up every morning and heading off to a job you hate? You are, unfortunately, not alone.

Recent studies have shown that about 70% of Millenials aren't as engaged at work as they should be. Many of them struggle to muster up the strength and energy that it takes to get excited about a job they're not passionate about.

If you're having a hard time with this right now, you might want to consider trying to start freelance writing. There is a huge market for great freelance writers at the moment with lots of companies bringing writers on board to provide them with content.

But you shouldn't start freelance writing on a whim. Instead, you should find out what it's going to take to work as a writer for a living so that you know whether or not you're cut out for the freelancer life.

Here is how to start a freelance writing career that will be infinitely more rewarding than the career you have now.

Begin by Making Sure You Love Writing as Much as You Think You Do

According to one surprising study, more than 80% of Americans believe that they could sit down and write a book if they wanted to. But something tells us that if all of those people actually tried to do it, very few would come anywhere close to finishing.

Reason being, writing isn't anywhere near as easy as it might look to some people. You have to really love writing and work hard at it to be even a decent writer, much less an accomplished one.

If you want to start freelance writing, start a blog and commit to writing one post each day to see how it goes.

If you find yourself dreading sitting down at the computer to write every day, freelance writing probably isn't for you. But if you can't keep yourself away from your computer in your free time and find yourself writing more than one blog post on many days, it'll show you that you have what it takes to be a freelance writer.

Whatever you do, don't quit your day job until you're 100% committed to freelance writing. The last thing you want to do is start writing for a living only to discover you're not passionate enough about it to do it all the time.

Figure Out What Kind of Writing You Want to Take On

When you launch a career as a freelance writer, you'll have the opportunity to take on any number of different types of writing jobs. It's important for you to figure out which kind of writing you enjoy doing the most.

Do you want to:

  • Write feature articles that appear in magazines and newspapers?
  • Create SEO-friendly content for small business websites?
  • Cover breaking news stories for news-related sites?
  • Put together press releases and other promotional materials for marketing agencies?
  • Assemble the next Great American Novel?

You're more than welcome to do more than one of these things if your heart desires. But at first, it's best to narrow down the different types of writing and focus on just one or two of them at a time.

Find Companies Looking for Freelance Writers

Once you've figured out what type of writing you would prefer to do as a freelance writer, you'll want to start putting some feelers out there and try to find companies that are looking for freelance writers. You can do this in many ways.

If, for example, your goal is to start writing feature stories for magazines, you can make a list of the magazines that you would like to write for. You can then track down editors at those magazines and send them a quick email introducing yourself and presenting pitches for stories to them.

If, on the other hand, your goal is to start writing SEO-friendly content for small business websites, there are companies that specialize in doing this that are always keeping an eye out for new talent. You can learn the names of some of these companies and visit their websites to see if they're hiring.

You can also check out one of the many websites devoted to listing freelance writing opportunities for those who write for a living. These sites will be a great resource for you as you move forward.

Develop the Necessary Skills to Work as a Freelance Writer

Many people are under the impression that being a good writer is the only skill you need to have to work as a freelance writer. But this couldn't be further from the truth!

There are so many other skills that you'll have to develop to transform yourself into an excellent freelance writer. You'll need to be able to:

  • Edit your own work to make sure your copy is always as clean as possible
  • Practice good time management and know how to adhere to strict deadlines
  • Work well on your own without much supervision
  • Accept criticism and use it to become an even better writer than you already are
  • Multitask with the best of them while keeping your various freelance writing tasks organized

You don't need to have every one of these skills mastered right from the beginning. But if you're going to enjoy longevity in the world of freelance writing, you'll need to be prepared to hone them over time.

Learn How to Keep Track of Your Income and Expenses for Tax Purposes

Freelance writers are often considered independent contractors by those who hire them to perform writing tasks. Therefore, it's going to be up to you to pay your taxes on any money that you earn as a freelance writer at the end of every year.

The second you start accepting freelance writing assignments, you should begin to write down how much money you're making as a writer as well as how much money you're spending to do your job. You should also begin to set aside money every time you get paid so that you're prepared to pay your taxes each April.

Continue to Connect With New Clients to Diversify Your Workload

You might find one really amazing freelance writing job that you love more than all the rest. And you might be tempted to put all your eggs into one basket by working exclusively with the client providing that job to you.

It's okay to spend the majority of your time working with that client if you want. But you should also get into the habit of trying to find new clients all the time so that you can diversify the work you're doing.

There will be times when a freelance writing job goes away suddenly for any number of reasons. You'll want to have other work to fall back on to keep your freelance writing career going strong.

Are You Ready to Start Freelance Writing?

If you're unhappy with your current work situation and want to try something new, figuring out how to start freelance writing might be the answer to your prayers.

As a freelance writer, you'll enjoy a lot more freedom than you have now when it comes to working. You might also be able to bring in more money than you are now by landing the right freelance gigs. It could be just the change you're looking for in your life.

We're always looking for new freelance writers. We're also the go-to company for those businesses that want to order content for their websites.

Contact us today to find out how we can help provide you with the content that your company needs to succeed.

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