Blog Content Report

Report created on March 17th, 2020

Order Information

This is the information we received from you. The rest of this report is based on these inputs.

Pro 2 Article - 1000 words
Current Blog URL

Content Strategy

By publishing high-quality content on a consistent basis, your target customer will see you as an authority. This is true inbound marketing: High-quality content created to educate, inform, and draw in your prospects.

1Topic Ideation & Validation
Complete (2 of 2)

First, we research and validate topics in your niche that your prospects are eager to consume. By doing this first, we make sure that each piece is going to be a hit!

2Content Creation
Complete (2 of 2)

After you have approved your topics, our expert team of copy writers goes to work crafting your high-quality content.

Each article:

  • is optimized to rank well in search engines
  • is formatted for the web and easy readability
  • includes internal links to improve your site's SEO
  • includes a call to action to spur readers into action
3Content Delivery
Complete (2 of 2)

Your content is available in HTML format below for you to publish on your website.

Blog Articles Created

Below are the highly relevant, researched, professionally written articles we have created for you to publish on your blog. We'll provide both the article content and the HTML for you to add to your website.

Total Completed Articles
Completed as of March 17th, 2020
2 of 2
Article 1
7 Strategies to Market Your Blog and Increase Website Traffic

When you want to increase your website’s traffic, blogging is not good enough. Use the following blog marketing advice to take your business to higher ranks.

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7 Strategies to Market Your Blog and Increase Website Traffic

You can add this in the SEO snippet box on your blog.
When you want to increase your website’s traffic, blogging is not good enough. Use the following blog marketing advice to take your business to higher ranks.
Targeted Keywords
Blog marketing
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According to HubSpot marketing research, marketers who focus on blogging are thirteen times more likely to get a positive return on their investment.

You know how valuable blogging can be, which is why you decided to have one.

However, if there's no one visiting your blog, how will you get more traffic or even sales?

Hold on, don't give up on that blog yet. What it needs is some resuscitation.

If you're looking for qualified and reliable traffic for your blog but confused about where to start, this article is your perfect resource. Pay attention to every information and take action.

Below are 7 Strategies to start blog marketing and increase website traffic.

1. Syndicate Your Blog Posts on Different Platforms

Content syndication is a marketing strategy in which you reshare your blog posts on established and authority platforms. It could be a media house, a network, or a different blog. Medium and LinkedIn are easy to use. You can decide to syndicate a certain number of posts per week on both platforms. Besides getting more traffic, your blog also gets more SEO value.

Here's how to go about it:

List on Google sheets the number of articles you'd Iove to syndicate

Assign a particular number of articles per week for syndication. The number of articles will be determined by how big your blog is.

2. Connect With Other Bloggers

Many bloggers shut down from their fellow bloggers. As with life, in blogging, "sharing is also caring." A successful blog is a product of how influential it is in the social media world.

You must share your blog posts on famous social media outlets if you want to improve your social media attention. But, what would make a blogger or anyone share your blog posts on their channel? Well, it’s either your write up was excellent or your video was able to attract many eyeballs, or you shared their articles online, and they want to do the same.

Even if you write a viral piece, you still need social shares from online influencers before it gets viral.

Your blog also gets a quality link when you network with other bloggers. By networking, I don't mean stalking these bloggers with daily IMs. You can interact by following them on Twitter or Facebook, or by posting a comment on their blog posts.

Your blog may catch their attention, and they may decide to add a link to your blog in their next popular blog post. And if you're lucky, they may also share your social media updates on their channel.

3. Submit Guest Posts on Authority Blogs

Guest blogging has become popular in the past few years. Unfortunately, many new bloggers nonchalantly ignore this marketing strategy while others do it the wrong way.

While guest blogging is a crucial link building tool, it also does more than that. Getting your blog post published on popular blogs will provide it with more referral traffic. Not only that, but having your post published on top-notch blogs also establishes your blog as an authority in the industry.

Many webmasters and bloggers have abused this strategy by using them just for link generation and SEO, which Google highly prohibits. These spammers have left pro bloggers with no choice than to reduce guest blogging to a little per month or even block it on their website.

Guest blogging is the best way to share from the traffic generated by an authority blog through your blog posts shared as a guest to boost your influence in the niche.

4. Optimize Your Blog for Search Engines

With recent social media growth, many bloggers have switched to developing their brand in the social media world, and ignoring search engines.

I completely agree that it is good to develop your brand on different social media channels to stay relevant in the industry but should not be at the cost of forgetting traffic from organic search engines.

Top-notch blogs from all over the world generated over 60% of its traffic from search engines. Hence, before you hit the publish button, make sure you optimize your blog posts for search engine traffic.

5. Contribute to Popular Forums

To become a great blogger, you must follow the footsteps of successful pro bloggers, right?


First off, it took these pro bloggers years of hard work and education to reach the peak of their careers, so you have no idea what they did to become a highly influential blogger.

Therefore, you need to create your own path. Nevertheless, you can follow their advice about the latest marketing strategies by going through their content or communicating with them.

Forums are an ideal place for such communication.

Many bloggers out there engage effectively with others through a forum.

6. Make an Effort to Attract Readers

As said earlier, the search engine is the highest traffic source for many successful blogs. Now, I'm not saying that your efforts as a blogger stop once you're able to generate a good number of search engine traffic. Blogs don't become successful when it gets a good amount of traffic but also becomes successful when they generate a good number of subscribers.

Subscribers are more important than traffic because they are for a lifetime, and traffic may change any time.

Study successful blogs. Most of them became influential, not because of the lots of traffic generated. They gained authority because of their value, which they got on the lots of subscribers received by their blog.

7. Promote Your Blog and Yourself

Along with your blog, promote yourself also. Check top internet marketers and bloggers like Neil Patel. You know him personally and through his blog, even if you've never met him in person. These top bloggers have become influential because they promote themselves while endorsing their blogs too.

This strategy helped them generate more friends on Twitter, Facebook, and other social media channels.

The Key to Blog Marketing

Many SEO strategies that help with blog marketing are available across the blogging industry. However, SEO traffic alone won't make your blog successful.

Follow the above 7 Strategies to Market Your Blog and Increase Website Traffic, and in no time, you'll become a successful and influential brand.

Looking for an extra hand? Contact us today for help getting the content and syndication you need.

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Article 2
5 Reasons to Update Fresh Content on Your Website Regularly

Updating of websites is really beneficial for any business. Below, find 5 reasons for regular website updates that you didn’t know.

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5 Reasons to Update Fresh Content on Your Website Regularly

You can add this in the SEO snippet box on your blog.
Updating of websites is really beneficial for any business. Below, find 5 reasons for regular website updates that you didn’t know.
Targeted Keywords
Website Updates
This is the article with formatted headings, images, and body text.

Many website owners scramble to perform website updates only with the graphics and image of their website. Unfortunately, they are clearly missing the point of what actually causes visitors to turn into customers

Updated, fresh content is what drives traffic in and keeps them around long enough to consider making a purchase.

Having outdated content on your website is like going to a business meeting with a 1970s velour suit. It shows your audience (and Google) that you are not reliable and don't care enough to keep them informed about your latest information.

Just like the saying goes, "content is king", you need to start taking your content seriously and perform website updates regularly.

The problem is that without updated content, you are risking high bounce rates and Google identifying you with low authority. Eventually, this will affect your SERP rankings and soon your bank account.

Keep on reading to learn more about website updates and what you should do.

1. Keep Up to Date With the Latest Keywords

Outdated content also means that you have outdated keywords, and without the latest keywords, you are missing out on some serious opportunities to rank for the latest in current events.

Eventually, what you used to rank high for a year ago may not be what you could be ranking for today.

Outdated keywords also mean that your SEO practices are outdated as well. The SEO world changes monthly, introducing new tactics and frowning against the old ones.

If you haven't done any website updates lately, chances are you need to stop doing some of the following SEO tactics:

  • Keyword Stuffing - Google will Penalize you for inorganically using keywords.
  • Using irrelevant keywords - this misleads visitors who visit your site, causing your bounce rates to skyrocket.
  • Unnatural writing - do not write multiple phrases of keywords for web-robots to pick up, as it comes across as inauthentic.
  • Lack of optimized content - There are strategic ways to optimize the content on your website, without this knowledge, you could be affecting your SERP results.

By staying on top of the latest in SEO changes, you can ensure that your website updates comply with the rules and you will not be penalized by Google.

2. Adding Quality Content

Stale content does absolutely nothing for your business, in fact, outdated content could hurt your SERP rankings.

If a visitor came to your website and noticed that all of your content was from over a year ago, they would consider your website to be unprofessional and unreliable.

On the other hand, if a visitor came to your website and noticed that your content is updated recently, they will have a sense of security with you, and feel that you care to notify them of your latest information and wisdom.

Keep in mind that this does not mean that you need to erase old content, in fact, it is quite the opposite. Deleting old content can hurt your rankings as you may have ranked for some of those articles in the past.

However, this does mean that you need to add new content frequently to keep your visitors coming back weekly or monthly for more information.

If you are not interested in writing your own content, no problem! Thankfully, you can hire a professional content marketing company to create some quality, optimized content for you.

3. Updating Your Images

When you were first starting out with your website, it may have been easier to use stock photos in order to get your site ready for launch. As time progresses, as well as your business, you may have noticed that these photos no longer represent your brand well.

A website update is a perfect time to work with a professional photographer and take some photos for your website. This could be photos of yourself as your brand, photos of your products or services, or anything that represents your brand well.

There is nothing like some professional, high-resolution photos to really embody your brand and display the message of your business!

4. Optimizing Mobile Responsiveness

If your website is not set up for mobile-responsiveness, you are missing out on a lot of potential traffic and major business opportunities.

According to research, over 60% of searches are now primarily on mobile devices such as tablets, iPads, and Smartphones. If your website was built before the digital age exploded to what it is today, you need to make some mobile-friendly website updates sooner than later.

The sooner you fix this problem, the sooner you are able to target an entire audience who could possibly become your new loyal customer or client.

5. Increase Your SERP Results

There is a common joke amongst online marketers that the best place to hide a dead body is on the second page of Google. This is because only 0.78% percent of people actually click on the second page of the search engine results page.

There are a few problems with an outdated website that could be severely affecting your search engine results page rankings. Having your website updated could make the difference of first page rankings to the 10th page.

High Bounce Rate

A high bounce rate is a clear sign that something is wrong about your content, or the navigation within your website.

If someone clicked on your website through a misleading ad or meta-description, they will immediately ditch your site and look for something that is more aligned with what they want.

This severely affects your bounce rates which severely affect your rankings.

Slow Website Loading Time

If your website's speed is over 5 seconds, this could affect your rankings as well. If someone is looking into some information that your website may have but has to sit and wait for it to load, they will lose interest and click elsewhere!

Learn More About Website Updates

Making the right website updates will not only revamp the overall appearance of your website, but it will also improve your rankings and help you gain more traffic.

To learn more about how you can have professionally written, curated and optimized content for your website, send us a message and we would be glad to help you.

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