Blog Content Report

Report created on March 10th, 2021

Order Information

This is the information we received from you. The rest of this report is based on these inputs.

Pro 2 Article - 1000 words
Current Blog URL

Content Strategy

By publishing high-quality content on a consistent basis, your target customer will see you as an authority. This is true inbound marketing: High-quality content created to educate, inform, and draw in your prospects.

1Topic Ideation & Validation
Complete (2 of 2)

First, we research and validate topics in your niche that your prospects are eager to consume. By doing this first, we make sure that each piece is going to be a hit!

2Content Creation
Complete (2 of 2)

After you have approved your topics, our expert team of copy writers goes to work crafting your high-quality content.

Each article:

  • is optimized to rank well in search engines
  • is formatted for the web and easy readability
  • includes internal links to improve your site's SEO
  • includes a call to action to spur readers into action
3Content Delivery
Complete (2 of 2)

Your content is available in HTML format below for you to publish on your website.

Blog Articles Created

Below are the highly relevant, researched, professionally written articles we have created for you to publish on your blog. We'll provide both the article content and the HTML for you to add to your website.

Total Completed Articles
Completed as of March 10th, 2021
2 of 2
Article 1
10 Common Blogging Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Creating a successful blog requires knowing what not to do with your posts. Here are common blogging mistakes and how to avoid them.

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10 Common Blogging Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

You can add this in the SEO snippet box on your blog.
Creating a successful blog requires knowing what not to do with your posts. Here are common blogging mistakes and how to avoid them.
Targeted Keywords
common blogging mistakes
This is the article with formatted headings, images, and body text.

Want to increase your web traffic by more than 430%?

Research shows that you can do so by taking one simple action: adding a blog to your site!

If you're a first-time blogger, this step can be a little trickier than it looks. While there's potential for major success in this realm, it's also riddled with potholes that are all too easy to fall into.

That's why we're here. Today, we're sharing 10 common blogging mistakes to avoid as you begin this new pursuit.

1. Leading With Personal Interests

It's happened to all of us. You have a great idea for a super-interesting blog while you're out on a run. Naturally, you believe that everyone will clamor to read it.

Then, you post it and... crickets.

Remember: A topic might sound wildly interesting to you, but to be effective, it needs to attract your core audience.

When developing your blogging calendar, stick with topics that suit your brand and will help your business meet specific goals. For instance, an FAQ post or in-depth guide can help you establish thought leadership in your niche.

If you can answer questions or help solve a problem for your readers, they'll be much more likely to bookmark your blog for future reference.

2. Writing Like a Term Paper

Yes, you want to sound authoritative and intelligent in your blog. You don't, however, want to sound like you're giving a formal college presentation.

The average reader spends fewer than 40 seconds on your content before deciding to click away. If you bore them at the beginning, you'll be hard-pressed to convince them to return.

Keep it simple, be engaging, and write like you talk (to an appropriate degree). Approachable writing is interesting writing, and it's also much more readable.

3. Not Sticking to a Consistent Schedule

Ideally, you want your readers to check your blog on a regular basis. If they do so and you haven't updated in months, they'll eventually stop returning.

While you don't have to post every day, it's a great idea to create a schedule and stick to it. Aim to post about three times per week in the beginning. As you grow more comfortable with the content creation process, you can increase that number.

Finding it difficult to come up with unique, compelling ideas?

Research help forums, Reddit, and other online platforms to find what people are talking about within your industry. This is a great way to find topics for regular blog posts that your readers will actually use.

You can also check out these content ideas when you want to make your blog as enticing as possible!

4. Failing to Capture Leads

If someone's reading your blog, you've already captured their attention. That's a valuable first step.

From there, you can easily use that leverage to increase your web traffic and grow your conversion rates.

The key? Look for ways to lure them in and encourage them to continue exploring your content. In addition to adding a Call-to-Action (CTA) at the end of your blog, try offering exclusive downloads or special promotions.

You can also add a link to a landing page at the end of your blog, where you can capture reader contact information in exchange for access to such resources.

5. Ignoring Reader Comments

If you have comments activated on your blog, it's always smart to read what people say in response to your posts.

Of course, this means taking the praises with the criticism. While you don't need to engage in an extensive back-and-forth with naysayers, take the time to respond to comments that ask questions or request more information.

This gives a personal feel to your blog and shows readers that you're invested in the content you create.

6. Hyper-Focusing on SEO

Most business leaders understand the importance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). They also know that an active, regularly-updated blog is a great way to boost their ranking on the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs).

However, in your quest to rise to the first page of Google, don't focus so sharply on writing for SEO that your blog becomes unreadable.

Keyword stuffing is a great example of what not to do. You want to ping Google's bots for a particular word or phrase, but you don't have to saturate your post with that verbiage.

In fact, Google could even demote your page or remove it altogether if they catch wind that you're doing so.

7. Overlooking Spelling or Grammar Errors

In your quest to blog consistently, you might be up against a tight deadline. Still, you want to get your blog out there, so you press "publish" without giving it a read-through.

Days later, you notice that it's riddled with spelling and grammar issues. Not only does this reflect poorly on your business, but it also shows a lack of attention to detail.

Take the time to thoroughly proofread every blog you develop. Invest in online spelling and grammar checkers that can read behind you and make sure everything's polished. We've put together a list of the best ones for your reference!

8. Publishing Weak Titles

The title of your blog is the very first thing that a reader will notice. If it doesn't pull them in and grab their attention, it doesn't matter what kind of insights you've hidden inside.

Not only will strengthening your blog titles amplify your readership, but it can also help you appeal to a particular niche. Specific, keyword-rich headlines are the key to piquing the interests of your target readers.

9. Forgetting an Image

Did you know that 65% of people are visual learners? Black text on a white background might look clean, but you're alienating a wide portion of your readership.

Attention-grabbing images or infographics are a great way to make your posts interesting. When you add alt tags, they can even boost your SEO efforts!

Look for appropriate free images on a creative commons website, or pay for a stock photo. Either way, it's worth the investment.

10. Not Sharing on Social Media

Once you've created an awesome blog post, don't let it live and die on your website.

Remember to share it across your social media channels, so it can get the attention and activity it deserves! Add a customized message with each post, and encourage others to share it with their followers.

This is a smart way to build your online following, grow your brand community, and foster relationships with your users.

Learn From These Common Blogging Mistakes

Whether you're a veteran blogger or you're just starting out, there are always ways to improve your online space.

While these common blogging mistakes might seem intimidating, they're easy to avoid if you take your time and approach this task with care.

Looking for qualified, experienced writers to take the reins for you? With iWriter, we make it easy to find the custom content your business needs. Sign up for free today and let's get started!

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Article 2
8 Questions to Ask Before Hiring Freelance Content Writers

Finding the right content writers for your blog requires knowing your options. Here are questions you need to ask before hiring freelance content writers.

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8 Questions to Ask Before Hiring Freelance Content Writers

You can add this in the SEO snippet box on your blog.
Finding the right content writers for your blog requires knowing your options. Here are questions you need to ask before hiring freelance content writers.
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freelance content writers
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Are you a business owner who’s interested in starting a blog to promote your business? Do you want to find a professional writer for advertising content or media releases? Hiring a freelance content writer can be a great choice.

Did you know that 77 percent of people read internet blogs on a regular basis? To explore companies, 70 percent of customers read blogs instead of advertisements. also, positive customer impressions come from online content 82 percent of the time.

Hiring freelance content writers offers a great avenue to meet your goals. It’s key to find the writer that best meets your needs. Keep reading to find out what questions to ask when interviewing freelance writers.

Freelance Content Writers Benefits

A freelance writer describes an individual who works on a contract basis independently. They’re considered self-employed and aren’t associated with a specific company. They work directly with their clients which increases project efficiency.

When discussing your ideas and goals, you and the writer can clarify exactly what you want. This allows the writer to produce quality content tailored to your unique needs.

Freelancers often have a broad and diverse background. They bring this expertise and experience to the table. You also benefit from their knowledge of the best approaches and tactics.

This direct line of communication means a quicker turnaround on projects. There’s no waiting for content to clear through other levels. You can also speak directly to the writer if you want changes or forgot something.

Interview Questions for a Freelancer?

Always create a list of questions and do your homework before interviewing freelancers. Following are questions to help develop your interview list.

1. What Is Your Content Writing Experience?

Begin by asking for a resume and have the writer describe their experience. How long have they been writing professionally? How long have they worked as a freelancer?

Ask them to describe the various types of content they’ve written. Consider if this matches the style you’re looking for.

2. May I See References and Samples?

Learning about the writer’s experience is important, but you also need to check their style. Ask to see a portfolio of their work and references from previous clients. This helps give you a picture of how well you'll work together.

Writers with positive client references give you more confidence that you'll have a smooth working relationship. This helps ensure that you'll meet your goals on time.

3. Have Other Sources Picked Up Your Press Releases?

Well-formatted press releases can boost your branding success. When press releases get picked up by other sources, your reach expands exponentially. Now you’re recognized as an industry expert and leader.

If you want to hire a freelance writer to compose press releases, ask about their experience. Have other sources picked up press releases they’ve written?

How wide have they reached? For example, other sites, publications, blog content, interviews, or video.

4. How Much Do You Charge?

Another important consideration when hiring a freelance writer is the cost. The following describes average billing rates.

  • Advertising copywriters: $1.63 per word or $92 per hour
  • Blog content: $54 per 500 words
  • Ghostwriters for magazines: $1.08 per word or $100 per hour
  • Newsletter writers: $2 per word or $82 per hour
  • Speechwriters: $81 per hour
  • Web page content writers: $0.86 per word or $83 per hour
  • Whitepaper writers: $107 per hour

Knowing the average cost of freelancers gives you a guide when negotiating a rate. This will also help you budget for this service.

5. What Would You Suggest as Topics for Blogs?

Spend time discussing your business products or services, business goals, and marketing plan. Discuss possible topics that you want blogs to focus on.

You may also ask the freelancer to provide a list of ideas. This can help you get a feel for how well you and the freelancer will work together.

6. What Styles of Writing Do You Have Experience With?

Different projects need different writing approaches. It’s important to find a freelancer with experience in the style you need.


Humanistic or expository writing is one of the most common writing styles. Bloggers often use this to give a direct definition of a concept. This is not an opinion piece, but based on referenced facts, statistics, or other evidence.

You'll see this style in How-to articles, news stories, and Op-Eds. It's also used in scientific, business, or technical writing.

Explanatory or Descriptive

Writers using this style paint a picture with words. The object is to help the audience visualize and understand a product, service, or concept. They often use metaphors or other literary devices to make the desired impression.


The goal of persuasive writing is to get the reader to understand and believe in something. This may be that your business, product, service, or cause is valuable. This style includes opinions and biases as well as reasons to support the claims.

This method is effective for editorials, Op-Eds, advertisements, and reviews. You will also find this in letters of recommendation, cover letters, and interviews.


The narrative style appears more often in longer pieces including fiction or nonfiction. Writers create and tell stories that include characters, settings, and conflict. Examples of this style include novels, poetry, short stories, and anecdotes.

7. Do You Have Experience with Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

Today, when someone has a question, they search the internet for the answer. Now the race begins. You want your business to show up on the first page so people will look at your site.

SEO uses keywords to increase the chance that your site will appear high on the search results. Experts choose the keyword-based on the frequency that users search that term. They also look for keywords that are found on fewer sites.

By combining these two parameters, your chances of appearing at the top of the list increase. This leads to more site traffic to promote your business.

Are You Interested in Hiring a Freelance Writer?

Freelance content writers bring a unique set of skills to your business. iWriter provides an easy, reliable, and fast way to get tailored content for your website. Our writers have the expertise to write all types of customized content.

You can hire writers or buy articles. Our services include blog content, SEO articles, product descriptions, and more. Contact us today to order custom content.

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