Blog Content Report

Report created on September 18th, 2018

Order Information

This is the information we received from you. The rest of this report is based on these inputs.

8 Articles - 1000 words
Current Blog URL

Content Strategy

By publishing high-quality content on a consistent basis, your target customer will see you as an authority. This is true inbound marketing: High-quality content created to educate, inform, and draw in your prospects.

1Topic Ideation & Validation
Complete (8 of 8)

First, we research and validate topics in your niche that your prospects are eager to consume. By doing this first, we make sure that each piece is going to be a hit!

2Content Creation
Complete (8 of 8)

After you have approved your topics, our expert team of copy writers goes to work crafting your high-quality content.

Each article:

  • is optimized to rank well in search engines
  • is formatted for the web and easy readability
  • includes internal links to improve your site's SEO
  • includes a call to action to spur readers into action
3Content Delivery
Complete (8 of 8)

Your content is available in HTML format below for you to publish on your website.

Blog Articles Created

Below are the highly relevant, researched, professionally written articles we have created for you to publish on your blog. We'll provide both the article content and the HTML for you to add to your website.

Total Completed Articles
Completed as of September 18th, 2018
8 of 8
Article 1
Blog Writing : How to Become a Long Tail Keyword Pro

If you don't use long tail keywords, your blog will never rank on search engines. Follow these tips to become a long tail keyword pro and climb the ranks.

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Blog Writing : How to Become a Long Tail Keyword Pro

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If you don't use long tail keywords, your blog will never rank on search engines. Follow these tips to become a long tail keyword pro and climb the ranks.
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long tail keyword pro
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In 2017, there were more than 3.5 million Internet users worldwide. What's your plan to get their attention, traffic, and conversions?

To be competitive, your plan must include a blog for your business. But getting blog articles noticed on search engines to bring in organic traffic can be tricky.

One way to get the job done is to become a long tail keyword pro. In this article, we'll share with you what long tail keywords are and how to use them.

Keep reading to improve your blog's search ranking, traffic, and conversions.

Long Tail Keywords: What Are They?

A common misconception about the name of these keywords is that it comes from the fact that they're phrases instead of single words. While long tail keywords tend to be four words or more in length, this isn't the source of their name.

Their name actually comes from their position on a graph known as the search-demand curve. The area of the graph that flattens out looks like a long tail, and that's where these keywords live.

The reason they're on the flattened tail end of the graph is that they don't tend to get a ton of search volume. However, they have other benefits that outweigh low search volume:

  • There's not a lot of competition, allowing you to rank higher
  • These keywords result in a lower bounce rate
  • They tend to have higher conversion rates because they target intent

If you write a lot of blog entries incorporating many different long tail keywords, you have the opportunity to grab a higher ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs) more often.

Now that you know what these keywords really are, let's dive into how to use them.

Become a Long Tail Keyword Pro

We can help you become proficient and even, dare we say, expert, at using these low competition keywords. If you follow the three steps outlined below, you'll be able to write content targeting buyer intent.

We'll explain each step in detail, but here's what to expect:

  1. You'll research long tail keywords
  2. You'll strategically incorporate your focus keyword
  3. You'll learn about how to write anchor text to avoid Google penalties

Long Tail Keyword Research

Keep in mind as you read this section that there are plenty of keyword research tools. Some cost money and some are free to use.

If you find a tool you like, then by all means, you should use it. For the purpose of our discussion, we're going to focus on the Google Adwords Keyword Planner because it's free to use.

First, log in to the planner. Click on "Find Keywords."

Then, enter your keyword. For example, if you sell handbags, you might enter "leather handbags."

Click the blue "Get Started" button. Google takes you right to the keyword ideas tab.

Scroll down and look for keywords that are at least four words long, like "leather bags for women." These are your long tail keyword phrases.

Write them down. They'll inform the next step of the process.

Create Content

Content creation is when you bring your long tail keywords to life through blog articles. We won't go on at length about how to write a blog post because we want to focus on incorporating these keywords. Remember that a great blog post should be:

  • Engaging: entertain and/or educate your readers
  • Long-form: longer blogs are more engaging and rank better in SERPs
  • Targeted: you'll use your long tail keywords for this

Choose your main long tail keyword. This will direct the topic of the blog article.

You'll want to include it in these key areas of your blog: title, intro, header, and conclusion. Don't use it more than once in these areas; the age of keyword stuffing is long over and you can be penalized by search engines for stuffing.

You can use a few other related long tail keywords throughout your blog article. The key to incorporating them is to do so naturally.

Since keyword tools will often give you dozens of long tail keywords, you can get several blogs out of them. A keyword you use as a secondary keyword can become a primary keyword in another blog.

So, start writing, but before you publish, check out our third step to becoming a keyword pro.

Anchor Text

Anchor text is the phrase you hyperlink to internal and external pages. The reason it's important is that it was once a way to beef up a page's relevance to a particular keyword.

For example, if you were linking to a site that sold wallets, you might link the words "leather wallets" in hopes of ranking for that keyword. Google decided with its Penguin update that this practice is considered black hat SEO (search engine optimization) and can lead to penalties.

Google still wants you to link to other pages both externally and internally, so the best way to work within these requirements is to use another long tail keyword you've researched as your anchor text.

It'll still be targeted, and it will still be optimized for intent. But you won't face the risk of having your site penalized because Google thinks you're trying to cheat your way into keyword-relevant links.

The Tale of the Tail

Now that you know how to research long tail keywords, how to write with them, and how to create anchor text for your links with them, it's safe to say you've become a long tail keyword pro. You should feel confident that you can collect and use these valuable keywords to boost your intent targeting, SERP ranking, organic traffic, and conversions.

In this fairy tale, there can be a happy ending. Maybe you knew nothing about long tail keywords, but now you can use them effectively.

If you still have questions though, that's alright too. Let us be your keyword fairy godmother.

Contact us with your questions about using long tail keywords. We'd love to help you maximize your blog's capabilities with this magical element.

Although, if you remember - it's not really magic. It's harnessing the power of intent-based keywords and lower competition.

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Article 2
How to Craft Awesome Blog Content : The Anatomy of Well Written Articles

Well written articles can establish you as an expert in your field and build trust with your customers. Find out how to make your blog posts stand out.

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How to Craft Awesome Blog Content : The Anatomy of Well Written Articles

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Well written articles can establish you as an expert in your field and build trust with your customers. Find out how to make your blog posts stand out.
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well written articles
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We all know someone who is well spoken and knowledgeable but terrible at writing. That's because writing can be hard and doesn't come naturally to most people. It requires a little time and effort, and everyone can benefit from improved writing skills.

Whether it's a matter of organization, language, or spelling, there's something about good writing that breathes respectability. On the other hand, poor writing discredits the writer in a certain sense. If you're looking to start a blog for your website or business, you need to focus on creating well written articles.

We'll cover a few surefire ways to improve your content and leave a great impression on your readers.

How to Craft Well Written Articles

There isn't too much that separates a decent writer from a great one when it comes to blogging. It's all about identifying a few things before you even begin writing.

The first thing that you need to understand is your audience.

Who is Reading Your Work?

Whether you're writing for a personal blog or a professional business website, you should have a decent grasp of who will be reading it. The language that you use will change greatly from one audience to the next, so it's important to know who you're talking to.

It's common for people to write in the same tone that they used in high school research papers. The academic tone has its place, but blogging should be more conversational. The reader should feel as though the writer is someone that they could have a beer with.

If your audience is a group of elderly people, your tone is going to be vastly different than it would for a group of teenagers. It's not always as simple as knowing the age of your audience. In many cases, the audience doesn't group by age, but by topic.

There's some reason that this group of people is interested in your website. There's also a reason that you are the one they're interested in learning from. Find out how to speak to those people in a tone that they will relate with.

Quality Research

You have to know what you're talking about. Knowing what you're saying is probably more important than knowing how to say it. If you're writing for your own website, it's likely that you understand the subject matter well.

That being said, we often have small mistakes in our thinking that develop over time. It's essential that you fact-check yourself, so as not to make glaring mistakes and lose readers. If you're even the slightest bit unsure about something, use research to back up your statements.

One way to verify the claims you make while writing is to add a link to the text. An anchor text can be placed on a few keywords, linking the reader to the source of the information you're talking about.

If you're freelancing or writing on a topic that you don't understand that well, things are a little bit different. You'll need to research the subject from the bottom up, learning the main points of the topic. Your tone will also have to be slightly different.

Those who are authorities on a subject or, at the very least, understand it well, can use a knowledgeable tone in their writing. They can make confident statements about theories and facts. When you don't quite understand everything about a topic, you need to base your article more on foundational ideas.

It isn't that you can't be confident in your writing, just make sure that you aren't stepping out of your bounds. Claims made in error could discredit the reputation of your blog.

Having a Grasp of Mechanics and Usage

While sites like Grammarly can help the poor writer tune up his or her work, automated editing software doesn't do the full job. There are still elements of the English language that must be understood to produce quality writing.

Things like em-dashes and semicolons are extremely useful when you know how to use them. There are also a lot of words and phrases that are oddly punctuated. Even English professors sometimes confuse "sometimes" for "some times."

The point is, there are a lot of errors out there just waiting for you to make them. Even the best writers make mistakes, which is why it's alright to let one slip here and there. You should be constantly developing your eye, though.

Whenever you're not sure of something, check it out and see if you're spelling or using it correctly. There are a lot of tools that can help you be certain about usage. The Chicago Manual of Style, for example, is one of the greatest resources that every writer has.

It provides answers to nearly every question of English grammar, spelling, usage, and punctuation. There are other tools like it as well. Whatever your tool, make sure you use it.

Be Engaging!

At the end of the day, people aren't going to read something they don't enjoy. The brilliant thing about blogs is that you have the option to say anything you'd like in whatever way you'd like.

Try to write an article that you would enjoy reading. Enjoy the process of thinking about and describing ideas to people that want to learn from you. You'll be hard-pressed to write an engaging article of you dread the thought of sitting down at the computer to type.

Make sure to run a tight ship, but allow for some fun and games. Use your voice to your advantage and try to refine your style in a way that engages and inspires people. One way to practice this is by letting loose on your first draft.

Just type whatever comes into your head about the subject and say it in your own words. Once you're done, go back over what you've written and edit. You'll probably find that what you wrote was pretty engaging.

Get More Help With Your Blog

Trends are constantly changing and it's essential that you keep up with the world of blogging. Whether there's a new way to optimize your traffic or adjust the language in your posts, there's no harm in learning new tips and tricks.

If you're interested in learning more about how to create well written articles, we have everything you need.

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Article 3
10 Ways to Come Up With New Blog Post Ideas

Are you struggling to come up with blog post ideas lately? Here are some awesome ways to get your creative juices flowing again.

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10 Ways to Come Up With New Blog Post Ideas

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Are you struggling to come up with blog post ideas lately? Here are some awesome ways to get your creative juices flowing again.
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The popular digital marketing strategies used today demand professionals across the board to consistently create fresh, interesting content to be published regularly via the web.

Much like the articles once reserved for newspapers and magazines, your site content should attract visitors, peak the public's interest, establish credibility, while sharing useful information with your readers.

If you're a professional blogger, content is likely your primary source of income. But no matter what your industry, creative content is a crucial component to a successful digital marketing strategy. And it's a top profit-generator for modern businesses.

According to Search Engine Journal, over 3 million blog posts are published daily. With so many posts available online, it can be difficult to create content that stands out.

If you find it challenging to come up with blog post ideas, you're in the right place.

Find out how to come up with must-read blog posts below!

10 Guaranteed Ways to Come up with Fresh Blog Post Ideas

The internet has made it easy to access a world of knowledge, right at our fingertips. With just a few clicks, there are pages of posts on just about any subject imaginable.

This is wonderful when you are trying to get the scoop on a specific topic. But creating a unique post that can stand against your competition can be a bit overwhelming.

If you've encountered writer's block when trying to come up with original, enticing blog post ideas, here are ten tips that will pull you out of that rut and get your creative juices flowing in no time.

1. Brainstorm Your Way to Your Next Blog Post

Remember those graphic organizers from grade school? You know the ones that would start with a circled word, then branch out to include a wide range of related ideas and suggestions from students?

The same strategy can help you come up with creative content for your blog, too.

Many times you hear brainstorming charts such as the one described above referred to as a "web". That's because it tends to resemble a spider's web once you have completed the exercise.

Anyone can find success when they brainstorm. But better to rely on your own thoughts or ideas than to include others. Researchers from Purdue University found that solo brainstorming is more productive than group efforts.

2. Check out Your Competition's Content

If you're truly stuck, it doesn't hurt to check out competitor's posts for inspiration.

Of course, you don't want your content to be so similar that it comes across as plagiarism. But, reading over others' posts will often get your wheels turning. Then it's much easier to pound out a post of your own.

3. Feature a Guest Blogger

Perhaps you've picked your own brain, only to come up empty.

When you are feeling less than inspired, there's nothing wrong with letting someone else take the reigns.

Seek out experts who can share insight on subjects that your audience is likely to find entertaining.

Local celebrities or authors usually have something to bring to the table. But you may be able to think of a fresh voice that's never been featured before. Even lesser-known talents can boost readership if they have something interesting and useful to share.

And you'll be able to take a break from blogging without feeling the slightest tinge of guilt.

4. Turn on the News

When there isn't much going on upstairs, there's always something going on in the world that's sure to spark the interest of your readers.

Check out the hottest trending news coverage for the stories your readers can't get enough of, and you're bound to turn some heads.

5. Share Statistics

If you can't come up with anything on your own, delve into relevant, research-based stats. According to Statistic Brain Research, 83% of adults find statistics fascinating to read. And, thanks to the web, you can easily find current stats on practically every subject that exists.

So the next time you need to produce read-ready content, just rely on the research that's already taken place.

This strategy is often used by many big-name publications.

The reason it continues to pop up on today's most-read sites is because it really works. Just google search any random "how many" or "how much" question, and you're bound to get a long list of statistics staring back at you.

6. Change Your Perspective

Sometimes, all it takes to churn out fresh content is to change your perspective.

Convolution is a theory about the way new ideas form in the brain. It suggests changing one's perspective to combine two ideas in a way that distinguishes the words from their original meanings. For example, "wireless" and "email" can be combined to "wireless email", which is a combination that takes on an entirely new meaning than either word's meaning when used alone.

It may sound a tad complicated, but you would be surprised how many new concepts come to mind when trying this for just a few minutes.

7. Post a Do-It-Yourself Project

You can always think back to a genius do-it-yourself project that your readers will appreciate. Whether you're sharing tutorials to make a child's Halloween costume or offering advice on decluttering one's workstation, DIY posts always grab attention.

8. Find Someone to Interview

When your mind can't help but wander, maybe you need to look somewhere else to get great content.

If it's personal blog post ideas you're after, consider matching an interview with an upcoming holiday. For example, you might interview a World War II vet during the month of July. Or you could interview several people on the subject of motherhood during the month of May.

If you are looking for marketing blog topics, get in touch with a local leading advertising firm and ask for a few minutes of their time. Often, professionals will jump at the chance to be interviewed because it's free publicity for their business.

9. Consider Personal Experiences

Take a walk down memory lane and you're sure to come up with some personal anecdotes that relate to your readers' interests.

Even if you don't want to share your conjured-up old memories, you might be able to piece together content in a way that you've never considered before.

10. Solve a Problem

Readers love hearing a solution. In fact, everyone appreciates learning how to solve a problem that's giving them grief.

So start your post by posing a problem that needs solving. Then give your readers the solution they're looking for.

Not only will your audience thank you, but they're also likely to share the good news with others who might benefit from your post.

Want More Tips for Creating the Content Your Audience Craves?

If you're constantly looking for winning blog post ideas, then you're in luck.

We've compiled tons of pro-blogger tips and tricks to help you craft post after post.

Get top-notch advice on how to get your blog noticed now!

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Article 4
8 Types of Content That Every Website Should Have

There's more to online marketing than getting likes on Facebook. Read about the types of content you should be focusing on for success.

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8 Types of Content That Every Website Should Have

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There's more to online marketing than getting likes on Facebook. Read about the types of content you should be focusing on for success.
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The internet has exploded in popularly in the last decade.

Looking at that explosion in numbers, you have over 4 billion people online. Catering to those 4 billion people are almost 2 billion websites.

That's about 2 people for every site.

Given that level of competition, it's important that your website cooks up smart content marketing strategies to dominate search engine results and start funneling tons of qualified leads into your site.

Contrary to what many think, successful content marketing is more complicated than starting a blog and publishing some writing you find interesting.

The specific types of content you're investing your content marketing time in matters. To that end, here are 8 types of content that are well worth your focus.

1. How-To Guides

The majority of Google searchers are using the engine to answer a question they have. Many of those questions can be answered elegantly via concise "how-to" articles.

For that reason, we recommend that you start thinking about your organization's target customer and what their biggest questions are. Once you have an idea of what they'd like to know, write visual and concise how-to posts addressing their concerns.

2. Video Blogs

Written information is a great way to engage with your audience, as it allows them a bandwidth-friendly means of consuming information from just about anywhere they have an internet connection. Still, there's no denying the growing popularity of video.

Sites like YouTube have billions of hours of their content being consumed on a daily basis. As a business trying to market their brand, numbers like that can't be ignored.

To get in on the content trend, take your written blog posts and recycle them into video content that communicates the same information. This will allow you to engage with audiences across two mediums with a single message.

3. Long-Form Content

People trying to make waves with blogging often try to take shortcuts. One of the most popular shortcuts is writing very short blog posts with very little substance.

These posts are rarely ranked high by search engines and will do nothing to establish your credibility with readers.

If you're really looking to establish yourself as a reliable source of information within your niche, don't shy away from publishing long-form content. Long form content is typically 2000+ word posts that are highly detailed, engaging, and gives users everything they need to know to solve a problem.

Long-form content is extremely valuable when done correctly and is excellent at helping establish rapport between you and your customers.

4. Listicles

While long-form content is great, let's not dismiss the value of quick and easy reading experiences. List articles (or listicles) are among the most popular types of content you can publish, especially if your business' demo skews young.

Examples of listicle articles include, "21 Incredible Ways to Prepare a Turkey", "13 Fast-Food Secrets You Won't be Able to Forget", etc.

5. Product Reviews

People love to buy things. Understanding what your business' audience loves to buy can create a tremendous opportunity for you.

It can help you decide what you should sell. It can aid in improving your current product roster. It can even just allow you to discover new ways you can engage with your customers.

Expanding on engagement, if you know products your customers are interested in, you can create detailed written or video reviews of those products and publish them online. Product reviews get billions of views on YouTube and countless more via various blogs.

Because of that, you can create excellent content that will draw customers to your website.

6. Infographics

If you want to diversify your types of content with something that's visual yet extremely informational, we recommend learning how to create infographics.

Custom infographics give your audience concise data in an easy to consume format. Better yet, infographics are frequently shared and are easy to create with free tools online like Canva.

7. Topical News

Most successful content strategy plans are laid out months in advance so you can publish material on a consistent basis. Still, there should always be wiggle room in your schedule to be topical and address news that's relevant to your business.

For example, if you write about the film industry and an acclaimed director passed away, you'll want to create content around their passing knowing that thousands of people will be looking for more information around that occurrence.

While chasing trends isn't what you want to build your marketing plan around, having breaking news among your types of content is always a smart idea.

8. Podcasts

Americans spend an average of 1 hour commuting to and from work 5 days a week. Given that these drivers need to concentrate on the road, commuters are typically unavailable to consume your content.

That is unless you're including podcasts among your website's types of content.

Podcasts are a great way to capture that captive audience of drivers. If your podcast is entertaining, you could become thousands of people's go-to morning and afternoon listening habit which can provide substantial marketing opportunities to you!

Wrapping Up 8 Types of Content Every Website Should Have

Content marketing is so much deeper than throwing text up on a blog. It's taking a systematic approach to publishing various types of content that are relevant to your customer avatar to maximize engagement and consistently drive sales.

To get started taking your content marketing strategy to the next level, consider investing your time in publishing some of the content we've listed above.

For help doing exactly that, let our team help.

At iWriter, our team of professional content creators crafts high-quality written material across a variety of niches for businesses all over the world. Learn more about the value our flexible team of writers can bring to your organization and register with us today!

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Article 5
How to Hyperlink Like a Boss in Your Blog Posts

Internal links are the lifeblood of your website in Google's eyes. Here's how to hyperlink to best effect on your website and in your blogs.

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How to Hyperlink Like a Boss in Your Blog Posts

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Internal links are the lifeblood of your website in Google's eyes. Here's how to hyperlink to best effect on your website and in your blogs.
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A staggering 409 million people read web content every month. As if that's not shocking enough, they also go through a whopping 23.7 billion web pages. That means every year, more than 284 billion pages get visitors!

A major reason for this is that many consumers turn to blogs for credible information. In fact, as many as 60% of them end up buying something because of a blog.

These figures should already tell you how valuable blogs are.

The thing is, there's more to blogging than writing and uploading content. You need to know how to hyperlink, or you run the risk of appearing less favorable to Google. One reason is that links are part of the 200 ranking factors used by the search engine giant.

Don't worry if you've never tried hyperlinking though. We'll let you in on the secrets of linking, so, keep reading!

What Does "Hyperlink" Even Mean?

A hyperlink is a clickable word, set of words, or image letting you jump from one part of a page to another. In web content, it can direct you to another section of the same page or bring you to another web page.

In most cases, you'll find hyperlinked words in blue (like those you see above). You can also tell it's a hyperlink if your mouse cursor transforms to a hand with the pointer finger out.

But these are only the simple definitions of links. In the world of web content, there are two main types of hyperlinks: Internal and external. You need both for better search ranking, so it's important you start mastering them.

A 101 on Internal Links

Want to know the link (sorry) between good web copy and linking? Well, if you click on that, you'll find out. You'll also find yourself on one of our internal links.

That's an actual example of an internal link, but here's a more technical explanation:

Internal hyperlinks link from one domain page to another page within the same domain. They're HTML links to another page within the same website.

Here's an easier way to picture it:

Say that the domain is your website. You're writing a blog post about the health benefits of traveling.

If you have a previous travel-related post, such as where to go in Japan, you can link to that. Your blog readers can then click on that link and they'll find your post about Japan. The link will take them to a different page, but in essence, your visitors are still on your website.

Why Even Bother with these Links?

Internal links are more than simple Google ranking factors. They also make your site more navigable to visitors. That's improved user experience right there.

These links also make it easier for your readers to access new information. This then gives them more reason to stay on your site. The more pages they open, the more exposure your other web pages receive.

Furthermore, internal links within your blog posts boost your credibility and expertise. So long as you link to informative and fresh content, people would want to keep reading them.

How Do You Create a Hyperlink Then?

This depends on the platform you're using. The good news is, most blog creation sites already have built-in hyperlinking tools. That means you most likely don't have to deal with manual entry of hyperlink codes.

Let's use, the most popular blogging platform worldwide, as an example. Here's how you create and insert hyperlinks in it:

  1. Write the text you want to create an internal link for on the WP's Visual Editor.
  2. Highlight the text and click on the "Insert/edit link" button in the editor.
  3. Enter the source (the specific web address of the internal link) in the URL textbox.
  4. Make sure the link text (anchor text) is exactly what you want.
  5. Hit on the "Add Link" button.

There you have it, you've created an internal link! Even if you're using another blog editor, it's likely the steps are similar. The "Insert/edit link" icon is almost always the same image.

How to Hyperlink: Best Practices You Should Follow

Knowing how to create hyperlinks isn't enough to win at the game. There are rules you need to follow (AKA use them in an appropriate manner). Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

Link to Pages Other than Your Home Page

If you keep linking only to your homepage, that's the only page search engines will recognize. That also won't help improve customer experience.

So, make sure you insert internal links to other relevant pages, like blog posts. Your "Contact Us" page is also a good internal link for your blog post's call to action.

Use Relevant Anchor Texts

The anchor text is the word or phrase you want to hyperlink. It's best you keep them as relevant to the destination URL (where you want to link to) as possible.

Let's use the Japan example again.

Say your previous blog post bears the title "Top 5 Most Relaxing Places in Japan to Visit". Your new post is about the health benefits of traveling. In the new post, you can use an anchor text like "traveling relaxes you" and link it to your previous post.

What's important is to use an obvious and natural-sounding anchor text. It keeps your links relevant and prevents readers from thinking you're spamming.

Don't Link to Everywhere

As beneficial as internal links are, you don't want to overstuff your blog posts with them. A good rule of thumb is to stick to two to three internal links for longer (like 1,000-word) posts.

Also, make sure you insert them in a natural manner. Link only to relevant products, services, or blog posts. Think about your readers, and how curious they would be to learn more about what's in that link.

Making Links Work for and Not Against You

Now that you know how to hyperlink within the same domain, it's time to start incorporating them in your content. Keep in mind that it takes time to see results from your link-building campaign. As such, the sooner you start, the earlier you'll see your hard work pay off.

Here's a final tip: Don't forget to audit your links! Google doesn't link broken links, so you want to check at least every quarter that yours still work. That way, you can stay on search engines' good side.

Want more insider info on how to blog like a master? Then check our blog site out!

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Article 6
5 Reasons to Outsource Writers for Winning SEO Articles

Professional blog content writers can help your website improve its rankings quickly and easily. Find out about the benefits of outsourcing your SEO articles.

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5 Reasons to Outsource Writers for Winning SEO Articles

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Professional blog content writers can help your website improve its rankings quickly and easily. Find out about the benefits of outsourcing your SEO articles.
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You know that writing SEO articles on your blog to promote your company and connect with your target market is important.

But the truth is that often, you just don't have the time -- or the creative skill set -- to make it happen.

So, what's the solution?

Hire blog content writing services to do it for you.

In this post, we're sharing with you some of the very best reasons why outsourcing your blog posts is the right move.

Then, we'll let you know where you can find expert content creators to help you to get the job done.

1. More Time to Focus on Daily Operations

Nearly half of all working Americans say they simply don't have the time to get everything done in a day.

When you're running a business, it can often feel like, as much as you'd love to be able to craft awesome posts, you just don't have enough time.

If you keep putting blogging on the back burner, however, your business won't rise in the search engine rankings. Your competitors that write blogs, however, will.

The best reasons to outsource blog writing is so you can have more time to devote to pitching clients, scheduling meetings, and everything else, while also ensuring that your content creation and blog strategy actually gets done.

2. Better SEO-Optimized Posts

You know that somehow, the content that's on your blog is supposed to help you make it to the first page of Google and other search engine results.

You know that finding the right keywords, choosing the right titles and subheadings, and even finding the best length for your overall articles, are also important.

What you don't know?

How to write SEO articles that will improve your ranking factor.

While of course, you want your blog content to help you to present yourself as an authority in your industry and give your readers useful information, you also want it to help raise your SEO score.

After all, your goal is always to outrank your competitors and to increase your conversions in the process.

Professional bloggers and content writers have been trained to write engaging content with a mind towards SEO.

3. Develop a Strong Voice for Your Brand

Not all of us are the most creative people in the world.

Perhaps you're an expert in all things technical but freeze up when asked to write a few paragraphs about a product.

You know what you should say, but you just can't figure out how best to say it.

Not having a talent for the written word is totally fine. But, just like asking someone who has never been to architecture school to draw up plans for a new building, writing your own blog posts without a knack for writing will have pretty bad results.

But more importantly?

Hiring a creative professional will help you to come up with a strong and personal voice for your brand. Just like your logo and your company colors, the style in which you write can quickly become a trademark of your brand.

So, make sure that you're hiring professional content writers who can help your brand to find its voice.

4. Access a Knowledge of Current Trending Topics

A professional blog content writer doesn't just write about topics that you want your blog to be centered on.

In most cases, they can even help you to come up with those blog topics themselves. They can help you to identify hot topics in your industry, as well as topics that your company should voice its opinion on in general.

This way, you'll communicate to your readers that you're keeping up with all of the latest trending topics. Relevant posts are also much more likely to be shared on social media, which only gives you a further boost in the search engine rankings.

5. Ensure You Don't Jeopardize Your Brand's Reputation

Let's face it: we've all said things that we regret.

But if you put your foot in your mouth and end up saying something you didn't know was offensive, you put your entire business at risk.

Don't believe us?

If your company has even two negative search results on the first page of Google, you'll lose close to half of your potential customers.

A blog content writer can help you know when is the time to offer your opinion on something as a part of your branding strategy, and when is the time to stay silent. They can also help you to properly address a recent controversy, or write a post on a sensitive issue that makes an emotional connection with your readers.

It's ok to have an opinion, of course.

But if your company ends up shutting down or losing half of its revenue?

Your business blog posts and social media accounts might not be the best place to share it.

Consider blogging as a form of reputation management when it comes to your content marketing strategy.

Need Help Writing Epic SEO Articles for Your Brand?

As you can see from this post, there are tons of reasons why hiring a blog writing service to help you develop SEO articles for your company is the right move.

Of course, you also want to be sure that you're not working with inexperienced or outdated blog content writing services.

If you're looking for the best, then we'd love to work with you.

Spend some time on our website to learn more about our services and process, and reach out to us when you're ready to get started making awesome, SEO-optimized content.

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Article 7
The World's Most Common Grammar Mistakes That Make Your Blogs Look Bad

Writing SEO articles is challenging work. Don't destroy all your hours of effort with these common grammar mistakes that could harm your credibility online.

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The World's Most Common Grammar Mistakes That Make Your Blogs Look Bad

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Writing SEO articles is challenging work. Don't destroy all your hours of effort with these common grammar mistakes that could harm your credibility online.
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The English language is like one of those casseroles with a mishmash of ingredients that probably shouldn't go together, but at this point, we have no choice except digging in.

English vocabulary is a mix of Germanic, French, and Latin origins. It's sometimes called one of the hardest languages for non-native speakers to learn, but that depends in large part on what language they already speak. People who grew up speaking German will have an easier time with English than those who are native Chinese speakers.

When writing a blog, you want to get noticed for the right reasons instead of the wrong ones. That means avoiding bad grammar.

Here are 8 common grammar mistakes to avoid when writing SEO blogs.


The English language has way too many words that sound identical to other words. The they're/their/there trifecta is one of the most common writing errors you'll see.

They're is a contraction of "they are," like "They're going to the house."

"Their" is a possessive pronoun, as in "You know Sam and Jane? We're going to their house." In this case, "their" refers to Sam and Jane.

Use there when referring to a location. When giving directions to someone, you might say, "After you turn right, my house will be right there."

Passive Voice

Passive voice makes writing sound muddled and uncertain. As an example, let's say a celebrity needs to issue a statement of apology for getting arrested.

Which of the following sentences sounds better? "Mistakes were made that night" or "I made a mistake and chose to drive drunk."

The first sentence is passive voice. It's not clear who was making the mistakes., only that they "were made."

The second sentence displays clear ownership of what happened. Any publicist worth their salt will suggest using active voice rather than passive voice.

That vs. Who(m)

We've all said something like this during casual conversation: "Joe is the man that I want to marry."

Why is that grammatically incorrect? Because Joe is a person rather than an object.

Because of that, the sentence should go like this: "Joe is the man whom I want to marry."

If you're referring to a beloved pet or even someone else's pet, things get a little trickier. Most of us will say "She's my cat" rather than "It's my cat." A grammar columnist said this is a way of personalizing the relationship we have with our cats, dogs, and other domestic pets.

A Lot Instead of Alot

You just bought two dozen donuts for your office. When you email your coworkers to let them know, you should say, "I put a lot of donuts in the kitchen" rather than "I put alot of donuts in the kitchen."

Space is critical here. Without it, you're just writing a word that technically means nothing. Most people will figure it out, but it's a grammatical error all the same.

On a similar note, if you mention a long wait, you say, "I've been here a while," not "I've been here awhile."

Oxford Commas

You should use commas to separate items you're listing as part of a series. But if you have a list of four items, should there be a comma between the third and fourth items?

Newspaper journalists would give an emphatic no because they use the Associated Press Stylebook. AP Style doesn't like to use what's known as an Oxford comma unless "omitting a comma could lead to confusion or misinterpretation."

Most other style books say you should use the Oxford comma. Here's an example of how that would look: "Paula brought candles, matches, apples, and potatoes."

If you aren't sure, ask your editor about the style they prefer to use.


Semicolons are sometimes treated like fancy commas, but that's bad grammar. Here's what it can look like: "When I first started; I had no idea what to do."

That's wrong because "When I first started" is an introductory clause, not an independent one. Semicolons connect the latter rather than the former.

To put it another way, an independent clause is like an independent woman: It can stand on its own. However, you can also connect it with another independent clause like this: "Keep me posted; I really want to meet your new boyfriend."

In that example, the first part has a direct connection to the second part. You could separate them into individual sentences, but it makes sense to combine them via a semicolon.

It's and Its

The presence of the apostrophe means that you're saying "it has" or "it is." Here's an example: "It's wrong of him to do that." In that case, "it's" is clearly a contraction of "it is."

By contrast, its is a possessive pronoun used to indicate ownership. If you're talking about a car accident, you could say, "The car got hit on its right side."

The right side belongs to the car. There's no contraction, so there's no apostrophe.

Run-on Sentences

The rules around comma use can get so intricate so fast that some people decide to forgo them entirely, which is how you wind up with run-on sentences like this: "She means to arrive at the restaurant at 6 but an accident delayed her 30 minutes."

Those clauses need a connection. Use a comma like so: "She meant to arrive at the restaurant at 6, but an accident delayed her 30 minutes."

Writing a run-on sentence makes people feel like they need to rush through reading that sentence as fast as possible. The proper grammar gives them room to pause and breathe.

Common Grammar Mistakes Can Sneak Up on You

The English language is full of both rules and exceptions to those rules, like "I before E, except after C."

Don't feel like you need to keep track of everything all by yourself. Even the most seasoned English teachers experience brain freeze sometimes.

We've got the resources to help your blogs stand out, and we promise we talk about other things besides grammar rules and common grammar mistakes.

Check out our blog for more tips and tricks.

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Article 8
10 Blogging Mistakes That (Almost) Everybody Makes

If you don't know what you're doing, your blog could be slowly strangling your business to death. Here are the most common blogging mistakes to avoid.

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10 Blogging Mistakes That (Almost) Everybody Makes

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If you don't know what you're doing, your blog could be slowly strangling your business to death. Here are the most common blogging mistakes to avoid.
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Are you new to blogging and are afraid you'll mess it up with mistakes upon horrible mistakes? If so, you aren't alone. We've all been in your shoes.

The truth is, as much as your family and friends tell you that you have an easy job sitting on the computer all day and writing, it's not as simple as that. They would struggle too if they were you.

Luckily, it's normal to mess up a few times before you figure it out. Pretty much every new blogger stumbles a little. To help you out on your new journey, here are 10 common blogging mistakes most newbies make.

1. You Only Consider Your Interests

As great as your posts seem to you, you aren't the only person who is going to read them. Chances are, you probably aren't your intended reader either.

Ever hear of shower thoughts? Ideas will fly out at you at random points just like this, but that doesn't mean you should use them in a blog post.

Just because you think it's a good idea and it interests you personally, it doesn't mean it's the best idea for your business.

2. Your Writing Is a Little Stiff

Have you ever sat down and tried to read a term paper? It will bore you to tears. If this is really the only writing experience beginners have, they might try to create their posts in that style.

The problem is that most people don't want to wind down after a long day by reading a term paper. To be brutally honest, not many people are going to read your entire post. If you can't keep their interest, you'll lose them.

To fix this issue, make sure you're writing like you're talking to another person. The more approachable your writing is, the more your audience will become familiar with it and latch on.

3. Only Blogging Every Now and Then

Blogging is a marketing tool that needs frequent attention. If your readers come to your website and see that the last thing you posted was six months ago, they might start to question if you're still in business.

Come up with a blogging schedule. You can post once a month (which is the ideal minimum for a business) or once a week to keep it in a rhythm. If people see that you regularly post awesome content, they will come back for more.

4. Selling in Your Blog Posts

The purpose of your blog should be to inform potential clients and customers about your business. It should also help you establish yourself as an industry expert.

Your blog is not a sales pitch. You can do that on any other page of your website, except for your blog posts.

Try to create a relationship between you and your readers. You can't do that with pushy sales tactics.

Use your blog to give them advice and reach out to them. They will learn to love your products as soon as they learn to love you.

5. Not Sharing Your Posts on Social Media

While blogging is a great way to improve your search engine optimization, sharing your posts on social media is the best way to get traffic in the process.

Blog posts and social media go hand in hand. This is because blogging provides social media with fresh content, and social media provides traffic back to your posts.

Make sure to not only share your new posts but also reshare your old ones. This will bring fresh traffic and boost your online exposure.

6. Your Post Isn't Done When You Finish It

Your post isn't done when you hit Publish. It may sound so great in your head that you don't think about editing it. This is a terrible habit to get into.

Even the most experienced writers know that they have to proofread their stuff.

Take your time to read your post several times so you can fix up any grammatical and structural errors.

7. You Think People Care about You as a Writer

This sounds incredibly harsh, but it's true. Beginner writers might think their audience is super interested in their stories, but this isn't necessarily true.

When you're new to the blogging community, people care more about what you can teach them rather then what you're saying.

Weave in a bit of your own personality to let them get to know you - just don't go overboard.

8. Don't Digress

It's one thing to put in a few pop culture references and crack a few jokes, and another thing to bury your point in a mound of personal experiences.

Chances are, your audience is reading the post for a reason. If they can't find your point, they'll get annoyed and leave your page.

9. Your Topics Are Way Too Broad

When people first start blogging, they want to cover big topics. The problem is, those big topics can be too broad.

There is often so much content surrounding them that it's hard to do a good job answering everything. Smaller topics are more effective at reaching a target audience.

10. Your Content Borders on Plagiarism

In school, teachers would call you out on plagiarism in your work. Your readers will do it too. Beginner bloggers think they can get by with the old copy-paste method, but if the voice of the article suddenly shifts, it will make readers suspicious.

If you're caught stealing other people's content, Google will penalize you big time. That can be a huge blow to your blog's organic growth.

Blogging Mistakes Newbies Make

Running a blog isn't as easy as it seems. It takes work and dedication to build readership and avoid blogging mistakes that can harm your reputation.

You don't want to get hit with plagiarism or risk losing traffic by ignoring social media. Knowing what you shouldn't do is half the battle.

Do you want to have a blog for your company's site but aren't the best writer in the world? There's no shame in that, we can help you out. Contact us to see what we can do for you!

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