Blog Content Report

Report created on July 3rd, 2019

Order Information

This is the information we received from you. The rest of this report is based on these inputs.

Pro 2 Articles - 2000 words
Current Blog URL

Content Strategy

By publishing high-quality content on a consistent basis, your target customer will see you as an authority. This is true inbound marketing: High-quality content created to educate, inform, and draw in your prospects.

1Topic Ideation & Validation
Complete (2 of 2)

First, we research and validate topics in your niche that your prospects are eager to consume. By doing this first, we make sure that each piece is going to be a hit!

2Content Creation
Complete (2 of 2)

After you have approved your topics, our expert team of copy writers goes to work crafting your high-quality content.

Each article:

  • is optimized to rank well in search engines
  • is formatted for the web and easy readability
  • includes internal links to improve your site's SEO
  • includes a call to action to spur readers into action
3Content Delivery
Complete (2 of 2)

Your content is available in HTML format below for you to publish on your website.

Blog Articles Created

Below are the highly relevant, researched, professionally written articles we have created for you to publish on your blog. We'll provide both the article content and the HTML for you to add to your website.

Total Completed Articles
Completed as of July 3rd, 2019
2 of 2
Article 1
11 Reasons Why Using Images on your Blog is Very Important

If you want to have a successful blog, you need to have images as well. Click here to learn more about how and why using images on your blog is important.

search Target Keywords: using images on your blog
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11 Reasons Why Using Images on your Blog is Very Important

You can add this in the SEO snippet box on your blog.
If you want to have a successful blog, you need to have images as well. Click here to learn more about how and why using images on your blog is important.
Targeted Keywords
using images on your blog
This is the article with formatted headings, images, and body text.

Are you having a hard time getting traffic from search engines and social media? Maybe you're wondering how to get more attention to your blog posts?

Today, we want to share with you one aspect of blog content that can help you get more eyeballs on your content.

Remember, if you want to have a successful blog, you need to have images in your posts. Blogging is more than just a page of text; a quality post includes a mix of text, images and other visual elements like infographics, videos, graphic illustrations, screenshots, tables, and wireframes.

Read more to discover why using images on your blog is important to help you achieve your goals.

1. Images Improve Blog Readability

Have you ever found yourself reading a blog post that seems to be going on forever with no end in sight? You get an annoying feeling knowing how long you have been reading and you are still nowhere near a conclusion. If you're like me, you either skip to the bottom or, more likely, you leave the website altogether.

Adding images to your articles is a great way to break up large blocks of texts and long paragraphs. In fact, images can reduce the likelihood of your reader jumping ship.

When you follow an ideal post layout and add quality images every 100 words or so, you make your content more digestible.

2. Images Get More Shares

Research shows that articles with an image once every 75-100 words receive double the social media shares as articles with fewer images. In addition to getting more shares, you'll earn more traffic to your website from social media platforms.

It's worth noting, no one wants their social media wall to look ugly. So if you don't have high-quality, attractive images, users will not want to share your content.

We recommend using the Yoast SEO plugin, which allows you to choose the image to be shared on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and more. It's an easy-to-use plugin that's great for driving viral traffic.

It's also a good idea to encourage sharing in your image caption. Just insert a direct link to share the post to the social media platform of your choice.

3. Images Make Your Posts More Visually Appealing

Adding quality images to your blogs make your posts more appealing. We all enjoy looking at interesting images and they help us to connect to the content and retain the information.

Finding the perfect stock images help you to tell your story. They support your claims and add depth to your content. They keep your reader interested as they scroll down the page.

The best images send a message to your readers and help them to simplify confusing ideas.

4. Images Improve Your SEO

If you want to write blogs that actually drive traffic, you need to include images throughout your content.

Your blog posts will rank higher in search engines when they include the right images. That's because search algorithms reward longer posts with supporting media such as slideshows, videos, and images.

Remember to do some search engine optimization (SEO) with your images. Adding titles, tags, and descriptions to your images are extremely easy in WordPress or whichever content management system you use. In this way, you are telling Google and other search engines what your content is about so they can more accurately rank your site.

Adding images improves the "stickiness" of your page meaning the reader stays on your page longer. This is called "dwell time" and it's an important Google ranking factor. A longer dwell time tells Google that your content is valuable and they reward you with higher rankings.

We also detailed how images help you get more social shares. Search engines take note of social signals such as how often your posts are liked, reposted and shared. The more engagement your social posts earn, the higher your site will rank in search engines.

Finally, most bloggers have "related posts" or "most popular posts" with thumbnails in the side column of their pages. The best thumbnails are from attention-getting images that result in a higher click-through-rate (CTR) than if it was text-only links.

As a result, the user is staying on your site and not bouncing to another site. Your bounce rate is another highly important search ranking factor. The lower your bounce rate is, the higher your site will rank in the search engine results pages (SERPs).

5. Adds Your Post to Image Search

Did you know 10% of all Google traffic is from Google's Images? Given that Google is the most popular site in the world, we can conclude the Google Images can deliver a lot of traffic to your site.

In order to rank your images in searches, they need to be optimized. Describe your content in your Alt tag and in the image description. So when you upload IMG_6034 to your blog, use your Yoast SEO plugin to rename the file to reflect your article content.

6. Images Make Your Posts Appear Longer

If you are writing a short post, adding an image can fill it out and make it more complete. Adding images to longer posts can make the post appear longer. Your word count will be the same, but the images will help support your content and round out the post.

Give your readers a chance to relax and look through some quality and relevant images. That's better than reading long blocks of text.

And hey, let's face it; sometimes you don't feel like writing a lot but you want to convey a quick message. Pick out some great images and create a quality post in less time.

7. Images Help Explain Complex Information

Sometimes you need to write about complex topics that include technical language, legalese, or industry-specific terminology. Don't let your readers struggle to get the message. Spell out complex information in simple terms with a helpful infographic, screenshot, slide show or a video.

For example, if you writing a software tutorial, use a screen recorder and create a video of yourself using the software. Readers will get a clearer picture of how to use the software. You can even get additional exposure by posting your videos on YouTube and Vimeo.

Using images is particularly helpful for educational articles where you are teaching a particular subject. Some people learn better visually and you can help them by illustrating detailed or confusing information. Screenshots, images, videos, tables, and wireframes are helpful ways to get your message across more clearly.

8. Images Improve the Personality of Your Brand

Whether you are building a business brand or a personal brand through blogging, images can help you tell your story and give personality to your content.

For example, let's say your company was recently honored at a trade show. You can write an article about it and call it good.

But wouldn't it be better to post clips of the award presentation. What if you included a clip of the acceptance speech? You could show interesting pictures and clips of interactions with attendees and even some behind-the-scenes footage from the office.

Clearly, adding images and other media to your post gives it more life and shows the story of your brand in an illuminating way.

The same goes for personal branding. A post about your recent adventures in Australia would be interesting. But it would be much more captivating to give viewers a peek at your escapades. Improve your article with pictures of yourself with the koalas, a video of you surfing the waves in Queensland, and a slideshow of your time in the Outback.

9. Images Are Influential

Did you know that content that includes visual images are 43% more effective in converting the user to agree with your point of view? This should be music to the ears of anyone with a blog. Getting sales online is all about persuasion and the right images can influence your readers to make a purchase.

Even if you aren't selling something, you still need images to support your claims and bolster your arguments.

And images are necessary if you want to inject emotion into your content. For example, if you are writing an article on traveling overseas, adding pictures of your trip across the pond might motivate your readers. Motivation is the same reason why fitness gurus always use before and after photos.

You can use images to make people laugh, cry, or feel other emotions. Make sure your images correlate with your text for a coherent voice throughout the piece.

10. Images Make Your Posts Appear More Professional

When was the last time you visited a page that only contained text? Yeah, I can't remember either, unless you count Wikipedia, and most of their pages contain at least one image.

A text-only site looks outdated. It doesn't look appealing or inviting at all.

On the other hand, websites with a strategic mix of text, images, and other media look much more professional. You're beautifully designed posts deliver a message that you care about your content. Viewers recognize the information is likely to be valuable.

Pro Tip: Go the extra mile and create custom infographics and illustrations. Viewers see the effort you've put in and they give much more credibility to your content.

11. Images Are Easy to Find

Why wouldn't anyone include images in their content? After all, they are incredibly easy to do. You can find an image, optimize the titles and tags, and include it in your post in a matter of minutes.

You don't need to pay out big bucks to Getty Images to get a quality photo. You can find royalty-free images on Shutterstock and IStockPhoto for a small fee. You can even find free images on sites like Pixabay and Unsplash.

If you operate on WordPress, you can use the PhotoDropper plugin. This tool searches Flickr to find images with Creative Commons license, which allows you to use the image on your site.

The Pixabay Images plugin also searches for free images. It's very handy because there is a Pixabay icon in your text editor, making it very easy to select a photo and then optimize and insert it into your post.

The Best Ways to Use Images

Are you convinced you should use images freely in all your blog posts? Great, now let's talk about best practices when it comes to images.

1. Always Include a Feature Image

Attention spans are short these days. You have about two seconds to convince a viewer to stay on your site. And when a user visits your site, the first thing they should see is an attention-grabbing feature image that pulls them in.

The featured image is usually what is shown when your blog is shared on social media. That's why you need to select a featured image that not only grabs attention, but it relates to the blog topic as well.

2. Resize Your Images

If you find a photo that is 1200 pixels wide, but your blog column only extends 800 pixels, there's no need to upload the full image to your site. It will take longer to load your post. A long page loading time is bad for search rankings, and many readers will leave if they don't see content fast enough.

Resize all photos to fit the correct dimensions for your blog. Typically, 550 px wide or 600 px wide is all you need.

3. Compress Your Images

You also need to compress your images for the same reasons you need to resize them. You don't want your images to take a long time to load.

There are a few ways you can do this. If you use Photoshop, save your images using the "Save for Web" tool. For most other image editors, you can save images in a web-friendly format. For pictures, resave the image in the JPEG format. For illustrations and graphic visuals, resave using the PNG format.

Resaving images in this way will cut down the file size of your image dramatically and improve your page loading time.

Final Thoughts on Using Images on Your Blog

If you're not currently using images on your blog, now is a great time to start. As you can tell, the benefits are many. It's certainly worth the small amount of time it takes to include images in all your new posts.

If you have the time, we highly recommend going back and editing your old posts and beefing them up with images. You will be surprised how much longer your viewers stay on your page. And you'll love the boost in social media shares you get.

If you want to make your blog posts even better, find out how you can improve your content with the FANBOYS acronym now.

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Article 2
Tips on How Often You Should Blog and Make New Posts

If you have your own blog, you may be wondering how often you should blog and make posts. Click here for some tips and information of how frequently to post.

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Tips on How Often You Should Blog and Make New Posts

You can add this in the SEO snippet box on your blog.
If you have your own blog, you may be wondering how often you should blog and make posts. Click here for some tips and information of how frequently to post.
Targeted Keywords
how often you should blog
This is the article with formatted headings, images, and body text.

"You should upload a new blog post to your website every day."

"If you don't blog at least 2-3 times a day, your site will get buried in search engine results."

"Don't overdo it -- blogging once a week is enough to make an impact on your target market."

If you're trying to figure out how often you should blog, then chances are good that you've heard a lot of conflicting information already. Everyone seems to have a different take, and everyone promises that their option is the "only way" to get traffic to your site and increase your conversions.

If you're feeling frustrated with all the differing opinions, then you're certainly not alone.

In this post, we're going to help you to determine how frequently you should actually blog. This way, you can finally tune out all the noise and focus on growing your business and connecting with your readers -- not on worrying about what everyone else is doing.

Why Is Blogging Important?

Before we talk numbers, let's talk about why blogging is such an important part of your business.

First of all, blogging establishes you as an authority within your industry or niche. It's a chance for you to show off your expertise, teach your target market something, and to prove that you have knowledge that your competitors don't.

It also increases your overall brand recognition, so that when consumers see your name in public, they understand what you sell, your values, and see themselves as a part of your target market.

Blogging also gives you the opportunity to educate your target market on your products and services in much greater detail. You can make a post about how you source your raw materials, write about how to get the most use out of/maintain your products, or go into detail about the specific benefits your services offer.

Yes, blogging also increases your conversions -- a fancy way of saying that readers are more likely to make a purchase or take some kind of action on your website after reading one of your posts.

In fact, over 60% of shoppers in America have made a purchase as a direct result of reading a blog post.

But content isn't the only reason why your company absolutely needs to have a blog. It's also an enormously important part of your overall SEO (search engine optimization) strategy.

Understanding the Technical Side of Blogging

As much as you'd like to be, you're not the only company that sells the products/services you do.

You have lots of competitors locally and on a worldwide scale, and they're all trying to rank higher in the search engine results pages than your website.

Google and other search engines crawl and index not just your homepage, but every single internal page on your website, based on what you're writing about and the keywords you're trying to target.

In short, this means that these search engines study up on and categorize your content so that it's likely to show up in the search engine results of the people who are looking for exactly what your business provides.

The more indexed pages you have, the higher your chances of making it to the first page of search engine results. This is because brands with a blog have 434% more indexed pages than those that don't.

Every time that you create and upload a blog post, you also tell search engines that you've "updated" your website in some way. Search engines take this to mean that your blog and website offers the most current information, so they'll rank your website ahead of competitors that haven't updated their blogs in a while.

Finally, blogging also gives your site's average "dwell time" a serious boost (provided your content is interesting and engaging.) Your dwell time is the average amount of time that a visitor spends on your website -- and sites with a higher dwell time rank much higher in search engine result pages (SERPs for short.)

Ok, so How Often You Should Blog?

Now that we've covered the importance of blogging, let's focus on the main event:

Answering the ever-popular question, "How often should I blog?"

There are two main answers here.

The first is that how often you should blog depends on your marketing and sales goals, as well as how many blog posts a week you feel that you can consistently publish. Remember that, once you've started posting a certain number of times per week, your viewers will expect you to keep that posting schedule up -- and may not come back if you don't.

The second, more concrete answer is that most companies find that uploading between 2-3 blog posts per week gives them the results that they're looking for.

But why is this number the "sweet spot?"

First of all, close to 50% of consumers say that they always unfollow or don't return to the blogs of brands that post too often. You don't want to appear desperate and annoy your readers.

But even more so than that, you don't want to end up compromising the quality of your content because you're in such a rush to post more content.

The last things that your consumers are interested in are posts that sound like regurgitations of whatever your competition has already published or short, two-sentence posts that really don't say much of anything at all.

Doing things like this doesn't just make users click away and cause your website to fall in search engine rankings. It also seriously jeopardizes your brand's reputation.

Additionally, posting 2-3 times a week is realistic -- the idea that you're going to blog each day for the rest of your company's life isn't.

When you first start blogging, we're sure that you have tons of ideas, love writing, and spend the day gleefully checking how many people have read your posts. But if you post all your content in a week, or if you overdo it, you're going to run out of ideas -- and leave your readers wanting.

Most companies feel that posting between 2-3 blogs a week allows them to maintain high content quality, keeps them on a consistent posting schedule, and helps them to accomplish their goals.

What Time Should You Post?

The time of day when you post your blogs is almost as important as how often you post.

The exact timing will depend on where the majority of your target market lives and the time zones that they operate within. After all, you don't want to upload your posts when most of your audience is still asleep or at work.

In general, there are about three different "optimal" times that you can choose from.

The first is in the morning before 9:00 AM, when people are sipping their morning coffee and checking the news before work. The next is around 12:00 PM, when folks are on their lunch hour and have made it through the tough parts of their workday.

Or, you could opt to post your blogs between 6:00-7:00 PM, when people are home from work and ready to unwind with a bit of time on the Internet, reading their favorite blogs.

What Makes an Optimal Blog Post?

You know how often you should blog and even the best time of day to post at. Now, let's take a look at what makes for the best possible blog post.

After all, while blogging can help you to generate about 126% more leads than your competitors without a blog, it will only help you to grow your business if you post quality content.

So, what should a blog look like and contain?

First of all, it shouldn't look like a giant wall of text -- the goal of blog posts is to provide readers with digestible content.

Break up your text every 2-3 sentences with white space, and use headers and subheaders to organize your content. Also, be sure to use images throughout the post, as they can get your blog post up to 94% more views.

Your blog post should be able to be read just as easily on a mobile device as on a desktop computer, and your content needs to load quickly and completely.

Above all, you should focus on two things (aside from original and engaging content, of course.

Keywords and Links

Keywords are the phrases that people type into search engines to help them find your products and services (and to be directed to your website) online.

If you include these keywords in your content, the people who are the most likely to buy a product or book an appointment for a service with your company have a higher chance of ending up on your website.

This free tool can help you to get a better understanding of some of the most popular keywords within your specific industry. Though you absolutely should avoid including a keyword in every sentence (known as "keyword stuffing") peppering several throughout your post is always a smart move.

Next, focus on developing your overall linkbuilding strategy.

This helps you to get more traffic to your website and makes it more likely that other sites will link back to your content in the future.

Include relevant internal links -- links back to your own website -- in blog posts. For example, if you're writing a review of a specific product, make sure to include a link to that product page in your content.

Also, make sure your post has external links. These are links out to websites other than your own -- non-competitors, of course -- that offer authoritative evidence, commentary on, and/or statistics supporting the claims you're making in your post.

For example, if you're writing a post trying to convince consumers to buy your anti-snoring device, you might include an external link to a website that talks about the physical health consequences of a lack of sleep each night.

Respond to Comments

Remember that blogging isn't just about bringing new readers to your website. It's also about making sure they come back.

One of the best ways to develop a loyal blog following is to always take the time to respond to comments on your blog. You want your readers to feel like you value their opinions, even if you don't always agree with them (and you won't.)

Make it a point to "like" as many comments as possible, and to offer your own feedback on what readers have to say.

This doesn't just make readers feel like they know you on a personal level -- it also offers you valuable insight on what they're most interested in reading and discussing.

What If You Don't Have Time to Blog?

So, now you know how often you should blog, when is the best time to post, and even what makes for an excellent blog post.

The only problem you still have?

You just don't have the time -- let alone the creative and technical skills -- to write up, optimize, and publish these blog posts. You don't know the latest trends in SEO, you're unsure of the kind of writing style your market would be the most likely to respond to, and you just can't find even an extra hour in your day to draft up a few posts.

So, what's the solution?

Hiring a professional content writer to handle your blog posts for you.

At iWriter, we make it easy to find the content creation specialists you're looking for. We're committed to bringing you the best writers out there.

No matter what your niche is, how long you want your posts to be, or how many times a week you want to post, our content writing service makes it happen.

Click here to create your account with us today, and get ready to see the amazing results of blogging for yourself.

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