Blog Content Report

Report created on November 9th, 2019

Order Information

This is the information we received from you. The rest of this report is based on these inputs.

Pro 2 Article - 1000 words
Current Blog URL

Content Strategy

By publishing high-quality content on a consistent basis, your target customer will see you as an authority. This is true inbound marketing: High-quality content created to educate, inform, and draw in your prospects.

1Topic Ideation & Validation
Complete (2 of 2)

First, we research and validate topics in your niche that your prospects are eager to consume. By doing this first, we make sure that each piece is going to be a hit!

2Content Creation
Complete (2 of 2)

After you have approved your topics, our expert team of copy writers goes to work crafting your high-quality content.

Each article:

  • is optimized to rank well in search engines
  • is formatted for the web and easy readability
  • includes internal links to improve your site's SEO
  • includes a call to action to spur readers into action
3Content Delivery
Complete (2 of 2)

Your content is available in HTML format below for you to publish on your website.

Blog Articles Created

Below are the highly relevant, researched, professionally written articles we have created for you to publish on your blog. We'll provide both the article content and the HTML for you to add to your website.

Total Completed Articles
Completed as of November 9th, 2019
2 of 2
Article 1
5 Content Writing Tips To Make You A Better Writer Online

Content writers are some of the most highly sought after freelance professionals. Learn how to become a better content writer, here.

search Target Keywords: content writer
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5 Content Writing Tips To Make You A Better Writer Online

You can add this in the SEO snippet box on your blog.
Content writers are some of the most highly sought after freelance professionals. Learn how to become a better content writer, here.
Targeted Keywords
content writer
This is the article with formatted headings, images, and body text.

Do you want to write sentences that make readers want to crawl into their screens just to read more? Do you want to create meaningful content that's shared rather than left rotting in a dark corner?

Being a content writer isn't difficult but being a content writer that produces worthwhile content is a true skill. Content is more important than ever and as a skilled writer, you can turn content writing into a lucrative freelance business.

But it's not just a case of pumping out 1,000 words with a few subheadings. Great content writing grabs attention, makes the reader zero in on your message, and inspires them into action.

Sound good? These five tips will make you a better content writer so let's begin.

1. Nail Your Headline

'How I Set Up a Profitable Design Business,' is a headline that tells the reader very little.

'How My Design Start-Up Got to Six-Figures in Three Months,' is a headline that people are going to click.

Why? Because the second headline is far more tangible. It not only promises to describe how a design business became profitable quickly, but it makes the reader feel like if the author could make that kind of money, so can they. If they read the article.

The headline is one of the most important parts of your article and yet many writers spend the least amount of time on it. Headlines can both affect the way readers interpret the article and whether they'll read it at all.

Never mislead your reader with a dishonest headline but ensure you inspire them to click through.

2. The First Sentence Needs to Hook

Just like the headline gets the reader to the article, the job of the first line is to get them to read it.

A good first line will let the reader know that they should keep reading for the payoff and that the payoff will be worth their time. Short and snappy first lines are usually more effective than long-winded sentences.

The key to developing a killer first line is to condense it. Take out unnecessary words and make it interesting.

The first line of this article could've said, 'Do you want to be a better content writer so that people will actually enjoy your articles?' And sure, that would've made the same point. But it lacks any oomph. It lacks inspiration.

3. Have a Purpose

Businesses the world over know that they need content on their websites. But too many blogs are stuffed with generic content that lacks a purpose other than ticking the 'we have content' box for Google ranking.

Engaging and shareable content must have a purpose.

Content should do one or more of these things;

  • Educate
  • Entertain
  • Inspire
  • Persuade

When you begin to plan your piece of content, you need to know which of these fundamental purposes it will fulfill and focus it to satisfy the reader. Without understanding what the purpose is, you'll get halfway through and realize that your article is unfocused. And your reader? They won't even get halfway through.

4. Rhythm and Format

The web has changed the way content is formatted. It's much harder to read blocks of unbroken text on a screen than it is on paper which is why good content tends to have short paragraphs.

With white space.

Lots of white space.

But it's also difficult to read articles that repeatedly use the same paragraph sizes. For instance, if each paragraph only has one sentence, it will look bizarre. If every single paragraph is two sentences, that will also bore the eyes quickly.

You can play around with paragraph sizes to keep the reader's eyes engaged and to emphasize your message. In the same way, you can mix up your sentence lengths to build a rhythm that's enjoyable to read. Use short sentences in between longer ones.

When you use a one-sentence paragraph, you can keep it short to make a strong impression.

Like this.

Short, single-sentence paragraphs give the eyes and brain a break. This prepares the reader for a longer sentence that might follow and keeps the article easy to read and absorb.

5. Add in Personality

Personality shining through in content is a magnet for readers and hugely beneficial for brands. As a freelance content writer, you'll probably be writing for a range of different companies and will need to write in many different personalities.

A company selling retirement properties will use a different brand voice and personality than a business selling roller skates for kids. Adding in personality depends on the brand guidelines but can be done in many ways.

From pop culture references and jokes to simply imagining you're speaking to the company's ideal customer, adding in personality will come naturally the more you write.

It's important to retain a consistent personality when writing content for brands. If one article is written using colloquial language and another is written formally, it will jar with the reader and the brand will lose its authority. Brand guidelines are common in big companies but smaller companies may just have an ideal customer in mind.

Become a Content Writer That Writes Words Like Silk

To become a content writer that creates engaging, purpose-driven articles isn't as complicated as you might've thought. But you do need to remember that you're writing content for a reader, not just to fill up space on a company's blog.

With the reader in mind, you can craft a must-click headline, an attention-grabbing first line, and a meaningful article to follow. Improving your content writing will always come down to practice, but with these five tips, you've learned essentials that some writers never learn.

After you've written your brilliant blog post, learn all about editing your content so you send it off as polished as possible!

And if you've got article needs that you'd rather outsource, we can take those off your hands and give you outstanding content written by our experts. Get in touch today to see how we can help.

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Article 2
Don't Hire Just Anyone: Why SEO Writing For Blogs Is Different

Are you looking to hire someone to do your SEO writing for you? Hiring someone that understands SEO is essential. Learn more.

search Target Keywords: seo writing
Awaiting Upload

Once the article is posted on your blog, we will link to it here.


Don't Hire Just Anyone: Why SEO Writing For Blogs Is Different

You can add this in the SEO snippet box on your blog.
Are you looking to hire someone to do your SEO writing for you? Hiring someone that understands SEO is essential. Learn more.
Targeted Keywords
seo writing
This is the article with formatted headings, images, and body text.

There are currently 1.7 billion websites on the Internet.

If you're creating a new one, it's assumed you want it to stand out amongst the 1.7 billion others. So, you might turn to hiring a copywriter to help you beef up your blogs and create some content for your site.

But is that enough?

Since the Internet is crowded with almost 2 billion sites, you need more than just a good writer; you need someone who has mastered SEO writing. While you still want someone who can write engaging copy, they also need to know how to write it to lure in an audience.

Want to know why SEO writing is different from other content writing? Read on for more information.

What is SEO Writing?

You may or may not have heard the term SEO. If you haven't it might sound a bit confusing, but that's why hiring someone who knows it well is essential to your businesses' web presence.

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which essentially means it helps your content rank higher in search engines. If you're still a little bit confused, bear with us.

Have you ever searched for something on Google? Of course, most people with Internet access have. Say you searched for "best gifts for a teenage boy." It's likely you looked at lists on the first page of the Google results. Maybe, if you weren't feeling what you saw on the first page, you went to the second page. You probably noticed there were hundreds of pages at the bottom, but it's rare you would go to the third or even fourth page of results.

That's where SEO comes in. If your site is not SEO optimized, your blog may show up in search results, but it will show up far down. This may make your blog appear on the 11th or 12th page of Google results for specific keywords. So unless your potential readers are looking for something incredibly specific, it's unlikely people will click through to find you.

Someone who knows how to craft blog posts with SEO in mind will get your page to the first, second or third page, where more people will actually see it.

How Do SEO Experts Make My Blog Discoverable?

We've already discussed that with well-placed SEO copy, your blog becomes much more visible to search engines. But how, exactly, does it do this?

A person who is an expert in SEO will be able to comb through the content you'd like to make, or the services you're selling, and discover keywords that are the most popular. Or, they'll find keywords that aren't necessarily popular but are niche enough that when anyone puts in those keywords, your site will rank fairly high on the search engine results.

SEO experts use a wide range of resources, such as keyword planners and manual keyword checking to find the perfect keywords for you. Once they find the keywords that are likely to turn over the best traffic for your site, they'll write copy that includes them.

How Does the Copy SEO Writers Create Turn Over Traffic?

After the SEO experts have found the keywords that will attract the right kind of traffic for you, they'll write copy that includes these keywords. They may have a formula that they work with that helps the search engine recognize specific keywords and rank it higher for those specific strings.

The copy they write must include these exact keywords a fair number of times. But a well-organized SEO expert will sprinkle them in so that it looks natural, not overstuffed. If it is clear the writer has discovered the keywords and is just placing them in for the sake of placing them in, your audience will immediately lose trust in you.

Overstuffing keywords will mean that your potential audience will see your article as having little to no value. It won't look professional, and instead, will look sloppy and non-authoritative. This will have your potential audience and customers clicking away before you could turn over a sale or retain them as repeat visitors.

An SEO expert will know exactly how to craft content so that the keywords flow well and don't look inorganic. Well-flowing content where the keywords are placed in a way that is not only contextual, but boosts the copy, are key to creating a site that will attract and keep visitors.

SEO Attracts the Right Traffic

It's all good and well to attract traffic to your site. But most business owners have a goal at the end of the day: to sell a product. That's what makes SEO and keywords so important. Having 2,000 visitors a day is fantastic, but what use are they if none of them converts to a sale?

A writer who is an SEO expert will be able to find and use keywords that prompt your ideal customer to visit your site. Your ideal customer is typically someone who is looking to purchase your product or is thinking about doing it soon. This way, not only will your traffic be up, but so will your sales.

Using SEO to Build Long-Term Relationships

Someone adept at SEO writing will help your company build long-term relationships with their customers. Not only will the correct keywords bring the right customers, but continual and informative keyword-rich content will keep them returning.

Ready to purchase keyword rich and engaging content to attract your potential customers? Click here to sign up as a client for free.

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